提问他人是一门艺术. 要知道, 他人没有义务回答你的问题. 更严格上讲, 也没人规定你拥有提问他人的这项权利.
所有的提问都是出于好奇或解决困难的目的, 而所有的无偿回答, 都是出于热心帮助的原因. 回答问题是对你的尊重, 也是对知识本身的尊重. 这也要求着你必须首先尊重他人, 更要尊重知识本身.
不管是在哪个社区里面, 这一点尤为重要. 别人已经遇到过的问题, 解决方法往往也都是一样的.
这时候提一个相同的问题, 除了会被标记为重复问题之外, 还会被很多人置以鄙视的眼神. 这是一种不认真学习和研究的表现, 在社区交际中要特别注意.
另一方面, 提出一个问题到解决一个问题的时间, 是远超过直接搜索现有的问题并找到答案的时间的. 重复提出相同的问题, 对自己来说也不是一个非常经济的选择.
2.我的电脑今天下午突然无法开机了, 开机显示一个蓝色的画面, 上面提示系统出现问题, 需要重启, 下面的错误代码是System Service Exception, 还写着nvidia.sys等信息. 下面这张图片是我的现象拍照图 [附图片一张].
我们可以明显的看到, 第二种问题描述要更为详细, 且更容易分析问题. 现在我们作为一个回答人员来分析这两个问题.
第一个问题只说明了电脑打不开, 而电脑打不开有成千上万种可能, 没有办法一一判断. 因为没有办法快速判断问题, 所以解决这个问题可能需要消耗相当长的时间, 甚至双方互相浪费时间做无用功. 此时更多人的选择是直接忽略, 装作看不到这个问题.
第二个问题从描述就可以看出来是系统蓝屏, 并且提供了一个非常关键的信息 - nvidia.sys. 从这里就可以看出来似乎是显卡驱动导致了无法开机的情况, 这样的问题不是一个大问题, 此时会有非常多的热心朋友会建议此人进入安全模式, 尝试重装显卡驱动等.
我们可以看到, 两个同样的问题使用了不同的方式去描述, 得到的结果也是相差甚远的. 因此, 将问题尽可能描述的清楚, 有助于他人在第一时间锁定问题的范围, 从而快速定位问题根源. 定位问题的速度越快, 越能吸引更多人来回答这么一个问题.
要知道, 你是以一个求知者的身份去询问他人, 因此态度上必须端正.
首先不要尝试做伸手党. 当别人回答了你的问题, 请先不要忙着追问, 认真思考可能的解决方案, 并尝试去解决. 别人没有义务手把手教你解决问题, 相反你更需要自己把问题研究清楚.
其次是一定要端正态度. 假设回答区出现了引战现象, 不管引战对象是不是你, 作为询问者的你都一定不要去参与吵架 - 你是来问问题的, 绝对不是来吵架的. 但是你可以心平气和的和他讲道理, 并说明自己的看法, 以及指出他人观点的缺陷之处. 作为询问者, 一定是要端正态度听取正反双方的意见, 并做好问题的总结. 这也不管是对你的名誉还是知识储备, 都是有利而无害的.
首先提问中不要使用"跪求"/"跪谢"等极端语言. 使用这些语言多半是心智不成熟的心理年龄低龄化人群, 或者是知识储备并不丰富, 却想着急于求成的人群. 这些词并不能显示出你对知识的尊重, 反而是技术圈的一类很避讳的词.
同时, 当你的问题被成功解决了, 请不要忘了向对方致谢.
要知道并不是所有人都遇到过你遇到的问题. 有些问题可能因为领域偏门/小概率事件/人为原因等因素, 难以让其他人遇到. 这时候可能他人的回答没有办法解决你的问题.
但如果你后来自己解决了这个问题, 请一定要记得回到这个位置, 告诉大家你自己解决了, 并附上自己的解决方案.
这样做的目的一是为了不再浪费他人的时间, 二是告知后来的人这个问题的正确解决方法.
要知道, 这是一个社区的良性循环. 只有在这个良性循环当中不断前进, 我们的社区才会更温馨可靠.
技术圈和其他圈子不同, 技术圈历来是以包容为骄傲的.
我可以不赞同你的想法, 但我一定会支持并维护你的正当权力.
很多时候, 其他人的行为或许你不一定认可, 但假设这是一个完全没有恶意动机的行为, 你依然要学会去包容, 或者说, 去理解其这样做的目的, 并给出建设性的建议.
技术圈内人群混杂, 但多半都拥有一颗善良而温暖的心. 他们有的人很热情, 有的人很坚强, 也有的人很脆弱, 也有的人很善良.
你的一句赞美, 你的一次回答, 你的一次包容, 你的一项建议... 或许对于你来说这不过是简单的一个小举动, 但对于整个技术圈来说, 你, 就是他们的核心.
English translation:
Ways to ask others
Asking others is an art. Be aware that others are not obligated to answer your questions. More strictly speaking, no one stipulates that you have the right to ask others.
All questions are for the purpose of curiosity or difficulty solving, and all unpaid answers are for the purpose of enthusiasm. Answering questions is respect for you and respect for knowledge itself. This also requires you to Respect others first, and respect the knowledge itself.
Search first and then ask questions
This is especially important in any community. The problems that others have encountered, the solutions are often the same.
At this time, the same question is raised. In addition to being marked as a duplication question, it will be despised by many people. This is a performance that is not seriously studied and studied. It should be paid special attention in community communication.
On the other hand, the time to ask a question to solve a problem is far more than the time to directly search for an existing problem and find the answer. Repeating the same question is not a very economical choice for yourself.
Describe the problem clearly
Let's look at the following two questions:
- What should I do if my computer cannot be opened?
- My computer suddenly can't boot up this afternoon. The boot shows a blue screen. The above prompts the system to have a problem and needs to be restarted. The following error code is System Service Exception, and also writes nvidia.sys and other information. The picture is a picture of my phenomenon [with a picture].
We can clearly see that the second problem description is more detailed and easier to analyze. Now we as an answerer to analyze the two questions.
The first question only shows that the computer can't be opened, and there are thousands of possibilities for the computer to open. There is no way to judge one by one. Because there is no way to quickly judge the problem, it may take a long time to solve this problem. Even the two sides waste time each other to do useless work. At this time, more people's choices are directly ignored, pretending not to see this problem.
The second question can be seen from the description is the system blue screen, and provides a very critical information - nvidia.sys. From here it can be seen that the graphics card driver caused the situation to be unable to boot, such a problem is not a big Problem, there will be a lot of enthusiastic friends will recommend this person to enter safe mode, try to reinstall the graphics card driver and so on.
We can see that the two same problems are described in different ways, and the results are quite different. Therefore, it is help
ful to describe the problem as clearly as possible, which helps others to lock the problem in the first place. This quickly locates the source of the problem. The faster the problem is located, the more it attracts more people to answer such a question.
Correct attitude
You know, you are asking someone as a seeker, so you must be correct in your attitude.
Don't try to reach out to the party first. When someone answers your question, please don't ask questions, think about possible solutions, and try to solve them. Others have no obligation to teach you how to solve problems. Instead, you need to put problems yourself. The study is clear.
Secondly, it is necessary to correct the attitude. Suppose there is a phenomenon of warfare in the answering area. No matter whether the target of the war is you or not, you must not participate in the quarrel as an inquirer - you are asking questions, definitely not quarreling. You can calmly and reasoning with him, and explain your own opinions, as well as points out the flaws of others' opinions. As an inquirer, you must correct your opinions and listen to the opinions of both parties, and do a good job of summarizing the questions. Is your reputation or knowledge reserve, both beneficial and harmless.
Equality and mutual assistance
Equality and mutual assistance refer to equality in status.
First of all, don't use extreme language such as "begging" / "thank you". Most of these languages are mentally immature mentally young people, or they are not rich in knowledge, but they are eager to seek success. These words do not show your respect for knowledge, but rather a class of avoidance words in the technical circle.
At the same time, when your problem is solved successfully, please don't forget to thank the other party.
If you solve the problem yourself later
Be aware that not everyone has encountered the problem you encountered. Some problems may be caused by other factors such as domain bias/small probability events/human causes. At this time, there may be no way for others to solve your problem. The problem.
But if you solve this problem yourself, please remember to go back to this position, tell everyone that you have solved it yourself, and attach your own solution.
The purpose of this is to stop wasting the time of others, and to inform the later people of the correct solution to this problem.
You know, this is a virtuous circle of the community. Only by moving forward in this virtuous circle will our community be more warm and reliable.
At last...
The technical circle is different from other circles. The technical circle has always been proud of tolerance.
I can't agree with you, but I will support and defend your legitimate rights.
Many times, other people's behavior may not be recognized by you, but assuming that this is a completely malicious act, you still have to learn to be tolerant, or to understand the purpose of doing so, and give constructive suggestions. .
The crowds in the technical circle are mixed, but most of them have a kind and warm heart. Some of them are very enthusiastic, some are very strong, some are very fragile, and some are very kind.
One of your compliments, one of your answers, one of your tolerance, one of your suggestions... Perhaps this is a simple little move for you, but for the entire technical circle, you are theirs core.